Thursday, December 24, 2009

Natural Shampoo Bars Need A Name For A Shampoo Bar Product. Any Ideas?

Need a name for a shampoo bar product. Any ideas? - natural shampoo bars

For our young people in the companies Coastal Taranaki School System, we have decided to make shampoo bars. This is all going well, but we need a name for our product.

Our company's name will probably Creationz coast. Shampoo bars with local organic milk flavoours course, and we give the product a "sustainable" spin environment.

We have weighed whether to give a natural and ecological approach, the traditional marketing or advertising, young, modern approach.

Here are some ideas we have come so far (not so good, so we ask the community!)
- Shampoo (Original: Yes)
- Poo Bar
- Shampoodle (dog shampoo?)
- Shampoozle (my personal favorite)
- Moo's Bar (milk)
Milk - Moo Baa (no sheep, but interesting)
- Delicious (completely off topic, but nice)
- Nakipoo (to play in the roots of Taranaki)
- Milky Bar (already used)

Thank you, any ideas or inspiration will certainlyuseful.

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