Monday, January 18, 2010

Phrases Hawaiian Translate Translate English Phrase To Hawaiian?

Translate english phrase to hawaiian? - phrases hawaiian translate

I have a Hawaiian flower, hibiscus tattoo. I know that the flower of the phrase "beauty is delicate., Which corresponds to my personality, I think. If you could let me know how you could write in Hawaiian. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

You can use the word "Ka Nani [fine try]."

There are several words for the tender. I am sure that one of these jobs. Choose the one that fits into the sentence.

Lahi, Lahilahi, hunehune Hini, Hune, Lalah, pilah, puāhilo

(for example, you can go with "nani ka Lalah" or "ka nani hunehune)

Anonymous said...

delicate Lahi, Lahilahi
Beauty: Nani U'i, maika'i

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